Phryne Fisher is everything one could possibly desire in a lady detective: smart, beautiful, brave and so very bohemian. The cast she is surrounded by are gems in their own right; the charming adopted daughters, crafty well brought up lady's maid, cool butler, superb cook, magician Chinese lover, communist taxi drivers and socialist lesbian sister. (hope I have not left anyone out) Phryne uses the cast around her as able assistants, leaving her the serious business of being glamourous and fabulous in the course of good works.
Alexander McCall Smith's writing has been criticised of being twee and trite, but I don't care, I love being around his characters' daily wisdom. 'La's Orchestra Saves the World' is set during WW2 in country England. A sweet grown up romance. Yes, a romance, shocking! There is even that elusive thing - a measured subtle maybe even happy ending.
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