Monday, April 20, 2009

Growing, An autobiography of the years 1904 - 1911

Leonard Woolf. The Hogath Press. London. 1967

Leonard (husband of Virginia) tells of his time in the civil service in Sri Lanka. A time about a century ago is cleanly described; pearl fishing, jungle elephants and leopards, solitude, mad dogs and Englishmen.
" ...I would  never put golf very high in the hierarchy of good games; it is too slowly long drawn out and therefore the anger against one's opponent, which in tennis and rackets, for instance, merely adds an occasional, momentary spur to one's efforts or exhaustion, in golf is apt to smoulder unpleasantly and sadistically."p119

Sunday, April 19, 2009

the kangaroo pouch

Elizabeth Zimmerman wizardry, a jumper called the kangaroo pouch. Knit on circular needles without seams. Sleeves are set in and turned  like a sock heel. Magic. Less magic is knitting a sleeve on circular needles. Knitting looking like an octopus now with three circular needles in use. Happy knitting , just not so transportable. 

Joy is keeping busy with cutting and sticking.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

the end of slavery and measured meringue success

Pessach, the end of slavery commemorated with a no grain 8 day festival. If it was not for the Matzoh, nuts and eggs, a girl could really detox. In preparation we made some coconut macaroons with chocolate and pistachio meringues (these could have been higher). Anyway we are well prepared.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


We are the happy owners of a freecycle toy box. The original owner has had it since she was 6 and is now 44. (with applied maths that's 38 years) It's perfect size on castors in a light ply with rope handles. Now in constant use as a dress up box, a tea party table, and also as a second doll's house - the warehouse apartment(?)